Working with a Patent Illustrator

patent illustrator

Working with a Patent Illustrator: Patent drawings are an essential component of almost every patent application. Inventors may choose to work directly with patent illustrators, or they may have their patent attorney take care of getting the official patent drawings for them. Whether you’re an inventor or an attorney, there are a few things you … Read more

Complying with US Patent Drawing Rules [24 Drawing Rules to follow]


Drawings are essential to almost every patent application. It’s rare to see a patent application that doesn’t contain some kind of technical drawings, even if it’s just a flow chart. The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) informs us: “A design patent application is required to contain drawings if drawings are necessary to understand the … Read more

Google SketchUp for Patent Drawings (Pros and Cons)

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Google SketchUp for Patent Drawings: Many different software applications can be used for creating patent drawings. One popular tool is SketchUp (formerly Google SketchUp). SketchUp is focused on 3D modeling. If all you need are 2D drawings or flow charts, you may be better served with a different software option. It’s used by a wide … Read more