Design Patent Drawing Examples / Samples

Here we are sharing some of the design patent drawing examples/samples.


Design Patent Drawing Examples / Samples

Design patents are a vital aspect of intellectual property protection, focusing on the aesthetic and ornamental aspects of an invention. Unlike utility patents, which protect the functional aspects of an invention, design patents safeguard the visual appeal, which can be as crucial as the invention itself in-market success. This is where design patent drawings come into play.

What are Design Patent Drawings?

Design patent drawings are illustrations that visually communicate the unique appearance of a product. They are an essential component of a design patent application. These drawings must accurately represent the design, showing all the visual characteristics – shape, configuration, pattern, and ornamentation. Unlike utility patent drawings, they do not detail the functionality or construction of the item.

Why are Design Patent Drawings Important?

The importance of design patent drawings cannot be overstated. They define the scope of protection granted by the patent. Precise and detailed drawings ensure that the patented design is well-protected against infringements. If the drawings are vague or incomplete, they can lead to loopholes that competitors might exploit.

Creating Effective Design Patent Drawings

Creating effective design patent drawings requires a keen eye for detail and a clear understanding of patent drawing rules. These drawings usually include a series of views – front, back, left side, right side, top, bottom, and sometimes perspective views. Each view should clearly depict the design without unnecessary clutter or confusion.

On Right Patents, we provide a range of design patent drawing samples. These samples showcase various styles and types of design patent illustrations, from simple everyday objects to more complex designs. By browsing through these samples, inventors and designers can gain a better understanding of what is required in their patent applications.


Design patents are an integral part of protecting your intellectual property, especially in industries where design is a key differentiator. The right design patent drawings not only enhance your application but also strengthen your legal standing in protecting your unique designs. At RightPatents, we are committed to helping you navigate the intricacies of design patents and offer the resources you need to secure your creative work.

Six (6) Patent Drawings from Patent No. US D1,024,220 S (Toy Police Car)


Seven (7) Patent Drawings from Patent No. US D1,023,902 S (Tire Chock)
